The other night, I was just minding my own business, sleeping in my bed, when I suddenly woke up. I opened up my eyes and it was pitch black in the room. I stared at the ceiling for a second and listened to the rain beat on the window. I felt tired and hoped that it wasn't time to wake up. I turned onto my side to check. It was about 2:30.
Good. I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes.
I tried to go back to sleep, but I had an uneasy feeling that wasn't letting my mind rest. Then I heard something that sounded like faint breathing. I have been known to freak myself out late at night, so I've learned to control my thoughts from racing and tried to convince myself that the breathing was all in my head.
But the breathing didn't stop, and the feeling of uneasiness just got stronger...
I opened my eyes and slowly turned onto my side, as I turned I saw a hunched down figure quickly dart through the doorway. The sudden movement made me jump. I laid in my bed, unmoving for about 3 minutes, just listening for a sound, for any sign or evidence that what I had just seen was for reals. I just couldn't take the anticipation and decided to take action. I was hoping that my eyes were just playing tricks on me, but I had to check ,just to make sure. I slowly got out of bed, doing my best to not make a sound. I grabbed my baseball bat, and headed towards my door with only the slightest bit of hesitation. I peered into the hallway, looking in both directions.
I sighed in relief and stepped into the hallway. Then, a movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned to my right in time to see a dark figure jump down the stairs. They landed with a loud crash at the bottom. I ran, silent, intent on attacking this intruder. The figure laid in heap at the bottom of the stairs. I hesitated, then slowly and deliberately began to walk down the stairs with my bat poised for the attack. I reached the second to last step, took a deep breath and used my bat to poke the figure...
I opened my eyes. I had let my mind race and I was beginning to freak myself out. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I convinced myself that there was nothing to worry about. I turned onto my side and gasped with fear.
Floating within the pitch black of my closet was an orange/red glowing sphere. It was bobbing slowly up and down with the sound of the breathing.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Then the glowing orb began to move towards me. The chills ran through me, not the kind of chills you get when you lay looking at the stars with someone you care for, but the kind of chills that come with situations of danger and impending death. As it got closer I realized it was some kind of a head. I could see its bloated cheeks and its bulging eyes seemed to be staring me in right in the core of my soul. Fear gripped me tightly and I had no idea what to do, so I sat there staring at it slowly move closer.
It got within a few feet and I realized I had to do something. I jumped up in my bed, I didn't know what I was going to do, but I figured something was better than nothing. Then, then glowing head disappeared and someone began to laugh hysterically. The lights turned on and revealed my friend, Eddy, red-faced and laughing, dressed all in black, and holding a flashlight.
I couldn't believe what had just happened and asked, "What in the H?"
My friend then showed me what happens when you put a very powerful flashlight
** in your mouth and turn off the lights.
!Voila a glowing head!
It was nuts. Good times.
I can only think of one thing that has scared me more. But it's a story for another day, and a different medium.
That's all.
** Note that when I say powerful, I'm not talking about mag-lights, I'm talking about seriously high-powered flashlights. The flashlight my friend used cost over $250. Flashlights of this caliber are made by surefire, my friend has 3, he is obsessed.