In about two weeks I will be experiencing this:

As many of you know, I will be embarking on a journey to Switzerland for spring break with my bestie Jo Olsen. If this trip were to have a theme song from 2006 it would be "Brothers on a Hotel Bed" by Death Cab for Cutie. As it stands tho, the year is 2011 and the theme song will likely be more along the lines of "Mouthful of Diamonds" by Phantogram, seeing that we are both in love with Sarah Barthel, a member of the band. We are also looking for a theme to the trip, we have thought of "Swiss man-cation 2011" and "European bromance 2011", but if you have any suggestions for either, please let us know.
As far as our plans are concerned, Jo and I have decided to leave much of them open. We are hoping that this will allow us some freedom to go where ever the wind leads us and result in us experiencing the real Switzerland and not just the tourist Switzerland. These are our plans as of today:
March 5 :Arrive in Zurich, see the city, visit Zollicon (where my last name originated), party in Zurich
March 6: Travel to the area of Thun/Interlaken and begin exploring
March 7-12: Meet some hot European girls, truly experience Switzerland, (insert your ideas here)
March 13: Travel back to Zurich, fly to San Fran
We have thought of possibly traveling to Milan, Italy and catching a flight via Ryan Air to another area of Europe for dirt cheap (like $15 each way), hanging out in Thun/Interlaken and really getting a good feel for the area, or traveling up to Munich, Germany. Now that you know our schedule and range of options, we would like to know anyone has any suggestions of things we must see or do in order to have a memorable experience.
All ideas (for theme songs, trip names, and agenda items) will be considered and discussed in great detail, so please let us know what you think. Your feedback is essential to Jo and I having a successful trip...ya, that is not true at all, but your ideas are much appreciated.
Switzerland won't know what hit it!