Here are most of them:
1- Things that are free
Free concert in SF...really doesn't get much better than that.
2- Winning
Trivia night at a local pub...needless to say, we won.
3- Making Arts
Major League Facial Hair
3- Quality people watching
Hipster scene in SF is always amazing...and it's even better when you have people to share it with.
4- Good music
Sick band called Seatraffic I saw fo' free in SF. I could do this every day.
5- Good food
This is Sol Puerto Rican food I have had. Also, my favorite restaurant in California.
6- Grand friends
Off the Grid in taco truck food ever.
7- Awesome Family
All the boys. They are my best friends.
And people say we look alike...
The whole crew. The Zollinger clan. The cool kids.
To my female readers: On a side note, I will be the only single adult in my family in a few short months...I'd prefer it not to stay that way for too long. catch my drift, eh?
For all of you that fall under one of these categories, thanks for being in my life. I love you.