Friday, February 19, 2010

Thinkings and Ponderings

Do you want to know more about the world?
Do you consider mullets to be a legitimate haircut or just plain awesome? 
Are you sick of reading "news" in the Statesman and local opinion newspapers?
Do you ever stay awake at night worrying about global warming and how we can make it warmer?
Do you wonder why penguins look so funny when they walk?
Would you like to get some new fresh insights into different events around the globe?
Do you like cool shiz?

If you answered yes to all or one or none of these questions then I suggest you check out my new blog titled "Inform This!" It will be a weekly or bi-weekly blog covering different world events, both current and past, that have worldwide importance.

I am pretty sure you should check it out if you want to get it is.
That's your empty brain he is sweeping up. Get to my new blog soon and often so your brain isn't empty.

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