Monday, July 18, 2011

I love to run?

For as long as I can remember, there are 4 things I have always hated: mustard, pickles, fake people, and running.
I don't really feel the need to explain the first three, but I know exactly why I have always hated running: asthma.

Asthma has been a factor in my life since I was just a kid. I was an active kid, but I remember I was always the first one out of breath and and I remember developing fevers after soccer and basketball games in middle school. I didn't know why, but I just knew that running caused it, so I hated running. It wasn't until I got a severe case of bronchitis and developed an acute respiratory syndrome at the age of 17 that I was diagnosed with asthma. For awhile thereafter I used an inhaler, but I didn't notice much of a difference, so I gave it up. And I began to use my asthma as an excuse to stop running during lacrosse practice or to take a break during a basketball game. It began to dictate my life and I didn't mind. Until now.
Recently, one of my good friends, Syd, asked me to run a relay race with her this fall and I just couldn't say no. As a result I have been training and pushing myself in order to overcome my asthma. In the process I realized something amazing. As I push myself not only have I begun to master my asthma, but I have begun to enjoy running. Something I never thought possible. But here I am, running 4 to 5 times a week, pushing myself each day, and loving it. Not only do I love how I feel, but I love feeling of progression and overcoming a weakness. Overcoming obstacles is honestly one of the most empowering feelings in the world.

Now while this is a very simple and superficial example it has finally taught me the lesson I've been trying to learn this past year. That is, we only truly love something when we put effort into it. This applies to all aspects of out lives, to our studies, professions, relationships, talents, activities, and religion. If things come too easy or free, we seem to ignore them and/or under-appreciate them. But once we work for something we appreciate it and recognize it as the blessing that it really is. Sometimes we wonder why God puts obstacles and struggles in our way and ask "Why me?" or "Why now?" or exclaim that "I don't deserve this!" All the time not realizing that God allows these obstacles to exist for many beneficial purposes, one of which is to let us truly appreciate the blessings in our lives, teach us the value of progress/growth, and show us our true potential. For without opposition in all things there could be no "happiness nor misery," there could be no growth, there would be no purpose. 2 Nephi 2: 10-27.

I know that this is easier said than done, but next time you have a trial or obstacle in your life put your efforts into overcoming it, not complaining about it, and you will begin to see what a blessing it really is in your life, you will find purpose, and in the end, you will be happy.

1 comment:

McKayJoice said...

So are pickles next?!